The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

ASR McDade Commended

ASR McDade receiving his commendation

ASR McDade is currently based at Wattisham Flying Station near Colchester, and has been awarded the Chief of General Staff Commendation for his many years of service at ITC Catterick.

To read more about Lee’s work in Wattisham, our friends at Solas have recently spoken with Lee and their interview can be found here.

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14th November 2021 Service of Remembrance at the Commonwealth War Graves Cemetery, Harrogate. Rev John Walden accompanies his grandson, six-year-old Henry Dunn, as he lays a wreath on behalf of the Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association.

How Will You Remember Them?

Each November, the national attention turns to our Armed Forces as we remember those who have served and honour those who have given their lives.

Barbara did a sponsored hair cut-off to raise funds for SASRA.

The Cut-Off

Long-standing SASRA supporter Barbara was inspired to have a sponsored hair cut-off. Her church is close to Colchester Garrison and they pray regularly for ASR Gavin Dickson, the local Scripture Reader.

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‘Standby, GO!’

It had been a while since I heard those words shouted out on a cold Catterick morning (over nineteen years to be precise), and I inwardly shuddered as a large crowd of people started jostling over the start line of the 2024 PARAS’10 event.

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