The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

Farewell to ASR Jim Henderson

ASR Jim Henderson in conversation

Image: ASR Jim Henderson in conversation at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo.

ASR Jim and Shirley Henderson finished with SASRA at the end of October. Jim retired after serving for five years as a Scripture Reader in Aldershot Garrison. During this time, he had many opportunities to meet with and speak to soldiers, run Bible studies, and attend Health Fairs. Jim was also involved in the ministry of the Jackson Club at Gibraltar Barracks in Minley. Shirley worked as the Administrator in HQ and they have both moved to Stoke to be closer to their family. We are deeply grateful for Jim and Shirley’s service and wish them God’s richest blessing as they start a new chapter in their lives.

Jim and Shirley's commissioning service in 2017.
Jim and Shirley’s commissioning service in 2017.

When I was employed by SASRA five years ago, I was not expecting to be sent to the home of the British Army. Aldershot Garrison then became my home and mission field for these last five years and I could not have wished or prayed for a more welcoming and exciting place to be an Army Scripture Reader.

I’ve seen three Garrison Commanders come and go, all of them welcoming the work of SASRA. Two Garrison Sgt Majors have also been supportive.

Most will know as an ASR we work closely with the Padres and welfare teams of each unit within the Garrison and again I have been blessed with supportive and very helpful Padres and welfare staff throughout my time here. I do thank them for keeping me focused and grounded.

The SASRA office in the Aldershot Garrison Community Hub will remain, providing resources for anyone that is seeking to learn more about the Christian faith or help on their faith journey. This office will continue to be manned by ASR Mike Blackstock. Please support Mike as you have done me.

So, can I wish you all God’s blessings and thank you all once again.

There are of course many people I would love to mention that have made my time here memorable, you all know who you are, but the soldiers that became my friends and shared Christian fellowship with, I must thank them for the blessing they gave me.

Jim Henderson

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