The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

Her Majesty The Queen

Queen Elizabeth II

The Soldiers’ and Airmen’s Scripture Readers Association, SASRA, and its predecessor the Army Scripture Readers Society has been privileged to be granted sovereign patronage since 1913. King George V, King George VI and Queen Elizabeth II graciously granted us much encouragement to serve our Armed Forces personnel pastorally and spiritually.  All three of our Patrons were committed believers throughout their lives during a span of our national history in which the Christian faith became less and less evident in our leaders. The significance of our Patrons’ commitment increased markedly as the spiritual dimension in our national DNA weakened.

For serving personnel a sure faith in God has been found to be a vital component in combatting fear and in being prepared to offer the ultimate sacrifice.  The role of SASRA and its equivalent organisation in the Royal Navy is to strengthen that faith in the risen Lord, based on the supreme authority and sufficiency of the Holy Scriptures.

In this Her Majesty the Queen has been especially supportive, attending our 150th Anniversary service in the Guards Chapel in Wellington Barracks, where she spent more time in meeting and talking with our Scripture Readers and their wives than we had dared to plan. Her Majesty had agreed to attend a further celebration on the occasion of our 175th anniversary in 2013 but sickness prevented this and in her place we were enormously grateful that His Royal Highness, Prince Philip, deputised for her. 

Her Majesty has “left behind her the abiding eloquence of a Christian Life”.

We pray that this legacy will continue to inspire each of us personally in our resolve to uphold SASRA’s unique “Sovereign Service.” 

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