Image: Soldiers from 2 Rifles filled up the church for the carol service. ©SASRA
Christmas activities provided plenty of opportunities for our Scripture Readers to build relationships with service personnel. Troops heard God’s Word during services and Scripture Readers can have follow-up conversations about what was heard and sung.
It was quite something to see soldiers marching through the streets to go to church for the carol service.
ASR Paul Curd
God’s Word was read in a church packed with soldiers for the Christmas service. I can now follow up and ask them, ‘What did you think about what was read?’
ASR Paul Somerville
Christmas events at the station went well; God’s Word was read, Jesus Christ proclaimed and prayers were offered, praise God.
ASR Steven Dougherty
Attendance at the carol service was really good and they heard the gospel message.
ASR Patrick Steen
- Pray Scripture Readers would have opportunities to build on messages heard and conversations had over the Christmas period.
- Pray that God would keep doors open for SASRA to keep sharing the gospel ‘behind the wire’, that more soldiers and aviators would be brought to repentance and faith in Christ Jesus.