ASR Patrick Steen speaking at a Faith or Fake Course at MOD Lyneham. © SASRA
In September of last year, we announced the start of a new Scripture Reader, Patrick Steen.
Patrick is now roughly halfway through his one-year theology course at Moorlands Bible College. He has also spent much time at various training placements with on-the-job training from several experienced Scripture Readers. So far, he has spent time at the Army Training Regiment Winchester, MOD Lyneham and Aldershot Garrison. Bible college has been a challenge in some ways. It is very different to the military environment that Patrick has been used to, but it has also been a blessing for him to spend more time looking in depth at doctrine and Bible ministry in different areas.
Bible college paired with training placements are a brilliant combination to help the focus between college and Scripture Reader work. It bridges the gap and allows Patrick to immediately put into practice and apply what he is learning in a work environment.
‘It is a privilege to come alongside people and be there for them. Essentially my job is to be a Christian to these soldiers.’
ASR Patrick Steen

ASR Patrick Steen at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo © SASRA
Patrick went directly from being a soldier to a Scripture Reader and the transition period is ongoing. He has been getting used to the new position he is in and learning how to best explain who he is and what he does to other people in a helpful way. Some of the opportunities he has had so far in training placements have been: leading one of the weekly Bible studies at MOD Lyneham, praying with Christian soldiers and starting to approach more soldiers with the gospel.
Please keep Patrick in your prayers as he continues to study and train.

- Give thanks for Patrick’s studies at Moorlands College, which will finish at the end of June. Pray Patrick could make the most of his remaining time and complete any outstanding assignments.
- Pray for God’s wisdom and favour as we seek to post Patrick to a military base after he has completed his training.