The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

New Executive Director

SASRA shield with soldiers in the background

Following an extensive recruitment process, Lt Col (R) Dr Martin Gliniecki QGM has been appointed to the post of SASRA Executive Director.

After retiring from the Royal Logistic Corps, Martin joined the Civil Service and spent his most recent time in the Ministry of Defence.

Martin Gliniecki

Martin became a Christian in his early thirties and his thirst for knowledge led to a formal theological education, including a doctorate. For decades he has served on parochial church councils and is currently a lay reader, member of the preaching team and Treasurer for his local church. Within this role, he has helped to establish a new community venture to provide facilities and support to poorer and marginalised people in Easton, Bristol.

During his military career, Martin specialised in engineering and bomb disposal, serving in Afghanistan, Iraq, Bosnia, Kosovo, and Northern Ireland, where he was awarded the Queen’s Gallantry Medal for bomb disposal duties. Martin built close relationships with the chaplaincy and was a lay member of the Army’s Church of England Synod.

My hope is to lead the Association humbly in the way of the Lord and work diligently alongside SASRA staff, in order to meet collectively our mission and strategic objectives for growth. I ask that all will pray for God’s blessing and guidance over me.

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