The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

ASR Paul Curd moves to Edinburgh Garrison

ASR Gavin Dickson hands over the work at Edinburgh Garrison to ASR Paul Curd

ASR Gavin Dickson hands over the work at Edinburgh Garrison to ASR Paul Curd

ASR Paul Curd has made the transfer from Chepstow, to replace ASR Gavin Dickson at Edinburgh Garrison and Leuchars Barracks. This includes 3 Rifles (Dreghorn Barracks), 2 Scots (Glencorse Barracks), Redford Barracks with all its many departments and units and at Leuchars, Royal Scots Dragoon Guards and 2 Battalion REME.

When the Israelites crossed over the Jordan river, God told them to send the Ark of the Covenant ahead, “in order that you may know the way you shall go, for you have not passed this way before.” (Joshua 3:4,)

Paul shared that this verse summarises how he feels; that he has not been this way before, and that the Lord knows the land much better than himself. And surely, the Lord is leading!

Paul has been able to have a positive start in Chaplaincy relationships and was invited for a relaxed and informal lunch and chat at the DACG (Deputy Assistant Chaplain General), Senior Chaplain’s home.

Paul has also been building good relationships with the Welfare team, and he and Karen have been present at Coffee Mornings, meeting some of the wives. Karen also hopes to restart her card making classes and begin connecting with these wives and their families. The 3 Rifles Battalion is currently mostly deployed, leaving good opportunities for conversations with those still there.

Paul with former Edinburgh ASR Dave Murray
Paul with former Edinburgh Scripture Reader Davie Murray

ASR Steve Curley connected Paul with a Christian soldier, and they have been regularly meeting to study the Bible and pray together. They hope to expand and begin a regular Bible study with others.

He was also interviewed and introduced on the BFBS (The British Forces Broadcasting Service) and is on the Rota for the Thought of the Day, along with the rest of the Chaplaincy team.

Edinburgh and Redford are at the centre of preparation regarding the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. As the “man on the ground”, Paul’s responsibility in the leadup to the Tattoo will be building vital relationships and attending planning meetings.

Both Paul and Karen have settled well into their new home and have found a church home as well. They have also been able to start a monthly supporter meeting at their home for a few supporters living nearby, to pray for the work in Edinburgh, which has proved to be a blessing and encouragement so far.

Pray that God would continue to go before, and lead Paul to new and exciting land that he has not been to before.

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