The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

Farewell to Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill speaking about the work

Image: Andrew speaking about the work.

After eight years as SASRA’s Executive Director, Andrew Hill finished at the end of October to enter full-time ministry at Hayes Town Chapel. Our Operations Director reflects on Andrew’s time with SASRA.

When Andrew took the helm of SASRA in September 2014, he could surely not have anticipated facing such a diversity of challenges.

And yet throughout all the trials and joys, Andrew maintained great poise and good cheer each day that was a genuine inspiration to those he worked with, modelling the Lord Jesus for many younger and newer Christians who have learned from him about humility and grace under pressure.

Those of us that worked alongside him saw a man that daily took up his cross and followed his Master and Saviour.

It has been an enormous privilege to have worked alongside Andrew. We are very grateful for his service for SASRA and humbled by his diligence and affection for the Association and the people it serves. He takes with him enormous goodwill from all those that worked closely with him.

Thank You Andrew, and may God bless you and encourage you as you serve Him.

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