The Second World War was a time of great suffering, destruction and disruption. In Britain, there was mass conscription of men and women. SASRA responded to the spritual needs of Army and RAF personnel by opening Huts and Rest Rooms, and by recruiting extra Scripture Readers (increased from 65 at the start of the war to a peak of 178 men and 20 women).
This book traces SASRA’s work using accounts from contemporary documents (including magaizes, annual reports and minutes). Beginning with the introduction of conscription in May 1939, it follows the work in the UK and during the main British overseas campaigns, from France in 1940 through to Berlin and Burma (Myanmar) in 1945. Some of the accounts take us into the front line with Scripture Readers being evacuated under fire from France and Crete, and with the troops in North Africa and Italy. There are also testimonies of service men and women finding new spiritual life in Jesus Christ. It ends with reflections on the coming of peace and the ongoing need to reach those in the peace-time Army and RAF.