Our Scripture Readers reflect on the opportunities they had during this season of Remembrance.
Northern Ireland
On Remembrance Sunday ASR Paul Somerville stood before military personnel and their families at Aldergrove Flying Station and gave the intercessory prayers to the 300 gathered. The Padre shared the address and spoke about the many changes within military life, which bring so much uncertainty. Against this background, the Padre challenged those present to consider the One who is unchanging in all His attributes; the Lord Jesus Christ. As Paul and the Padre were leaving the service, they were approached by a soldier who was indeed challenged by what he had heard and arranged to meet with the Padre later that week.
As I stood beside the Padre before the service began, he quietly whispered in my ear a short prayer, asking God to strengthen us as we shared in the service and to speak to the hearts of those gathered.
What wonderful opportunities I was afforded on both occasions, firstly to publicly offer prayers on behalf of those service personnel at Aldergrove and then to encourage prayer support for our work at that particular church service.
ASR Paul Somerville

That evening, Paul visited a church where he spoke about his work. This service had been arranged and organised by one of our SASRA Advocates, Alastair McCord. Paul was very thankful to Alastair for arranging this and for sharing in the meeting during the time of intercessory prayers. Paul was able to bring to the evening service a serving Christian soldier and took the opportunity to interview him before the church congregation. It was encouraging to hear him testify how SASRA has been a great support for him in his journey of faith.

Remembrance Service for The Rifles in Redford Barracks. © SASRA
This year was ASR Paul Curd’s first Remembrance in Edinburgh. He had the privilege of being invited to take part in the 3 Rifles Remembrance Parade at their memorial in Redford Barracks. The Padre asked Paul to take the prayers after his address.

I was given the opportunity to add to the prayers he had given me, an element of seeking peace with God, of having courage to do the right thing, of seeing God’s goodness in the midst of suffering and of praising Him for the glorious hope of the resurrection to eternal life. The Medical Officer of 3 Rifles appreciated my contribution despite having no faith himself and we spoke a little of how I might be able to be of potential help of to ‘bedded down’ soldiers.
ASR Paul Curd
ASR Steven Dougherty was able to share a message during a Remembrance Service for Explorer Scouts at the station.
A group of twenty-two young Explorer Scouts came into the station with the Chaplain-in-Chief of the RAF for a Remembrance Service. The Station Commander and Station Warrant Officer also attended. The Padre and I led the Service.
ASR Steven Dougherty

ASR Steven Dougherty speaking to Explorer Scouts. © SASRA
Pray with us

- Give thanks that Scripture Readers could be involved in military Remembrance services.
- Praise God for military personnel who heard of Christ's ultimate sacrifice over the Remembrance season. May they ponder this message in their hearts.