The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

‘Standby, GO!’

The PARAS'10 Ultimate Endurance Race includes water obstacles.

By Josh Fortune, Scripture Reader in London

‘Standby, GO!’ 

It had been a while since I heard those words shouted out on a cold Catterick morning (over nineteen years to be precise), and I inwardly shuddered as a large crowd of people started jostling over the start line of the 2024 PARAS’10 event with the familiar words of the airborne forces. Thankfully we were not exiting the door of a plane, but rather embarking upon a gruelling 10-mile route that Parachute Regiment recruits are required to run as part of their selection process.

Of the 200-plus entrants, three of us were running for SASRA. Brave Andrew McMahon, our Regional Manager North, was tabbing (TAB = Tactical Advance to Battle) with a heavy bergen (backpack), trousers and boots. Danielle (my wife) and I entered the running race (no backpack, shorts and trainers allowed).

The team participating in PARAS'10 2024. ©SASRA

Team SASRA: Andrew McMahon, Josh and Danielle Fortune.

Though my knees would not allow me to lumber about the undulating Catterick paths with a backpack as I once did, I attempted to run with my body armour and helmet to, a) make it more challenging and, b) seek to attract more sympathetic sponsors!

The combined total SASRA target of £1,000 was exceeded.

It was hard work for all three of us: I was overtaken by almost every runner, Danielle decided to avoid the second water obstacle (amusingly caught in photo evidence on the official site!) and Andrew had the increasingly warm sun beating down on him as he made his way round the course.

A taste of the excitement and camaraderie that comes with military activities

But, we all finished – coming in at respectively decent times! And, more importantly, the combined total SASRA target of £1,000 was exceeded by £127 (donations have persisted even after the race – which is such an encouragement)! There’s still time to sponsor Team SASRA:

It was very encouraging for Danielle to have a taste of the excitement and camaraderie that comes with military activities. On the way home, she expressed how this event gave her a far greater insight into my life, as well as that of other serving soldiers. (She’s also asked to do it again next year!)

I didn’t anticipate just how emotional it would be to run those old paths again.

I passed ‘P-Company’, the Para selection process, in 2005 and I didn’t anticipate just how emotional it would be to run those old paths again. As we approached the finish line, I recognised the distinctive bend in the road from where we had started the log race on that misty morning in May 2005. I maintain that was the hardest physical thing I’ve ever done – apparently 50% of people that pass P-Company still fail the log, it’s excruciating!

I was reminded so clearly in that moment of God’s wonderful faithfulness to me over these past nineteen years, and how He used a small camouflage Bible (given to me in a Sandes coffee shop on base) to bring me close to Him after a regrettable season of backsliding.

Though my body has changed a lot over this time period, He remains the same yesterday, today and forever (Amen!) and His precious Word continues to bear fruit around the world (Colossians 1:6) – including among the men and women of the Army and RAF that we have the privilege to serve in SASRA.

I was reminded so clearly in that moment of God’s wonderful faithfulness to me.

The eternal realities of life and death were ever present.

The event was an enjoyable slog in the morning sunshine, but the eternal realities of life and death were ever present: whether in a slightly breathless mid-run conversation with an old Para Sergeant Major who – like me – has lost friends to suicide, or seeing Ukrainian soldiers being trained for war in the woodlands dotted around the route. The gospel is the only true answer to these valleys shadowed with death.

The gospel is the only true answer to these valleys shadowed with death.

We are incredibly grateful for our supporters – both those who directly sponsored this event and those who continually, faithfully give to the work SASRA – that we may imitate our Lord’s example in proclaiming the good news to those who walk in darkness.

PARAS'10 included uphill trecks. ©SASRA

This year, we are looking to grow our income by £200k so we can recruit more Scripture Readers. Can you fundraise and support us?


Scripture Reader praying

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