Former Scripture Reader Barbara Moodie with ASRs Dougherty, Philipson, Blackstock, Curd and Witherick. © SASRA
“What would be an opening line that you would use when talking to a soldier?”
“How would you begin sharing your faith?”
These were some of the questions asked at the Life “Behind the Wire” event in Edinburgh last month. People gathered to listen to Scripture Readers share some of the encouragements they’ve had recently and what their mission field looks like in the coming months.
The great opportunity for the Scripture Readers is they can really become part of the furniture and you’ve got a cycle of troops coming through and they meet a Scripture Reader.
John Surtees, Lead Communications Officer
This event was organised ahead of SASRA’s support at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Local church leaders and supporters were invited to watch the full rehearsal on Thursday at Redford Barracks. The guests were able to experience for themselves the SASRA café before walking across to the parade square, where they took a seat and enjoyed the performance.
One shared how special it was to see the rehearsal after many years of hearing the music from their home, which was close to the barracks.
Supporters were delighted and came away smiling. One shared how special it was to see the rehearsal after many years of hearing the music from their home, which was close to the barracks. They had driven past the base on so many occasions, yet this was the first time they got a glimpse of life “behind the wire”!
Pray with us
- Give thanks that SASRA supporters were encouraged to see our Scripture Readers in action at the Tattoo outreach week.
- Pray there would be future opportunities to show SASRA supporters our Readers at work “behind the wire”.