Our Prayer Events
It’s great to hear first-hand what the Lord is doing among the Armed Forces!
SASRA Supporter
Our prayer events offer the opportunity to gather and pray for the mission of SASRA.
Meet with our Scripture Readers, Headquarters team and supporters throughout the year to hear our latest updates and pray for the work. These times of fellowship are informative, encouraging and a great support to the Association.
It would be delightful to see you at any of our upcoming prayer events, which are listed below.
Upcoming Prayer Events:
VE Day 80th Anniversary
On Thursday 8 May, we will run VE Day 80th Anniversary Special Virtual Prayer Meetings at 14:00 and 19:30.
Join us as we commemorate eighty years of peacetime and pray for members of today’s Armed Forces.
For details, email admin@sasra.org.uk

Virtual Prayer Meetings
We hold our Virtual Prayer Meetings on the first Thursday of each month at 14:00 and 19:30.
Join staff and supporters on Zoom as we hear updates from our Scripture Readers and pray for the work together. For more details, please email zoom@sasra.org.uk, or call HQ on 03000 301 302.

Previous Prayer Events:
Remembrance day
virtual prayer meeting
On Monday 11 November, we prayed purposefully for members of our Armed Forces and SASRA Scripture Readers at our Remembrance Day Virtual Prayer Meeting.
If you would like to attend future events like these but do not yet receive our Virtual Prayer Meeting invitations, please email zoom@sasra.org.uk

Tattoo special virtual prayer meeting
On Thursday 1 August, we heard stories and encouragements from the team at the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. Will also set time apart to pray for the opportunities enjoyed.

Armed Forces day special virtual prayer meeting
On Armed Forces Day, we gathered to pray for military personnel with a specific focus on their mental health and wellbeing. Several Scripture Readers shared of their experiences of supporting individuals mentally, emotionally and spiritually, before those in attendance spent time praying for them.

D-Day Special virtual prayer meetings
On the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day Landings, we gathered to remember the people who gave their lives in one of the most significant amphibious operations in military history.
We heard about the role and impact of SASRA over that time, and we gave thanks for Scripture Readers who proclaimed the gospel to those who might have soon been facing their Maker, having fallen on the beaches or fields of Normandy.
Of course, there still stands a call to pray for today’s Armed Forces and so time was spent praying for the men and women who currently serve our nation and for today’s Scripture Readers who support them.
If you would like to attend future events like these but do not yet receive our Virtual Prayer Meeting invitations, please email zoom@sasra.org.uk

twelve-hour prayer event at catterick garrison
On Saturday 25 May, we ran an in-person, twelve-hour prayer event at Europe’s largest garrison.

11days Virtual Prayer meetings
In the lead-up to and on Remembrance Day 2023, we prayed purposefully for members of our Armed Forces and SASRA Scripture Readers at our 11days Virtual Prayer Meetings.
If you would like to attend future events like these but do not yet receive our Virtual Prayer Meeting invitations, please email zoom@sasra.org.uk

Coronation Special Meeting
Over 6000 members of the British Armed Forces participated in the Coronation of King Charles III on 6 May 2023.
On 4 May at 19:30, we held our Coronation Special Virtual Prayer Meeting and prayed for those involved.
We heard from serving soldiers from the Household Cavalry Regiment who shared about their involvement in the celebrations. We also heard from ASR Josh Fortune who continues to support members of the Household Cavalry Mounted Regiment amid the heat and the stress of the ceremonial season. Read more.

11days of Virtual Prayer meetings
Between 1-11 November 2022, we ran 11days of Virtual Prayer Meetings to help Christians to pray purposefully for military personnel and for SASRA Scripture Readers over Remembrance.
If you wish to attend future events like the Coronation Special or 11Days meetings but do not yet receive our Virtual Prayer Meeting invitations, please email zoom@sasra.org.uk.