Thirty dads and children came to this month’s Who Let The Dads Out? event at Colchester Garrison. It was the second of a trial of three such events, where military dads and children can spend quality time together and give mums a rare opportunity to have some alone time. With craft activities, bacon butties and brews, the event fostered peer support, conversations with other dads on topics such as health care, mental health and practices others do that they might want to implement with their family.
This is really great. It gives me a chance to meet other dads and to set time aside for me and my son to bond.
Military dad

The craft this month was on the theme of Mother’s Day, so the children and dads made cards for the special women in their lives.
I’ve been involved with two of these events so far, with our third and final one next month. Thirty-four came to the first one, and it’s great that we’ve had thirty come this month. The Padre read a story from the Bible to the children and there have been some good pastoral chats. As Who Let The Dads Out? continues here in Colchester, please pray for the relationships built and that dads and children would grow in love together.
ASR Gavin Dickson

Who Let The Dads Out? is an initiative by Care for the Family, providing inspiration and resources to help fathers, father-figures and their children to have fun, form friendships and build community. Run in Colchester Garrison in partnership with Army Welfare and the Church of England Soldiers’, Sailors’ & Airmen’s Clubs (CESSAC), these events provide an opportunity for fathers and children to build relationships and be supported by the military community.

- Give thanks for the dads and children who have attended these events so far. May this iniative inspire them to make the most of the time they can spend together.
- Praise God that the dads and children who have attended heard God's Word read and explained. Pray this would resonate in hearts and minds and provoke questions and an interest in Christian things.
- Pray the third event would be well attended and for plans to make this an ongoing regular event.