The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association

Attending Bangor Worldwide 2025?

Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention 2025

Are you planning to attend Bangor Worldwide Missionary Convention 2025 at Hamilton Road Presbyterian? Then come along and visit the Global Village where SASRA will be displaying a stand and say ‘hello’ to our evangelists and get an insight into what we do amongst the British Military. Mark the dates 15–24 August 2025 in your diary.

As a missionary organisation we are solely supported by the free will offerings of God’s people, and we have been given the unique opportunity to work ‘behind the wire’ of Army bases and RAF stations where, with the support of the military chaplains, we have the privilege of taking the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ to today’s service personnel.

In the Northern Ireland Military Garrison, we have two evangelists (Paul and Scott) who are actively visiting the troops in their bases and engaging with them in the gospel by various means. Please do visit our stand, say ‘hello’ and learn more about the Lord’s work both locally here in Northern Ireland and further afield.

What is the event?

Bangor Worldwide is a unique Christian event. Christians from all over the UK and from around the world gather in Bangor to hear the Word of God, to sing God’s praises, to be encouraged, inspired and equipped to love and live for Christ in His world.

Why attend the event?

The programme includes kids and youth meetings, Bible teaching, seminars and worship, and much more taking place at the Global Village in Bangor.

What is SASRA’s role in the event?

SASRA will be representing its work amongst the British Army and the RAF. During 15–24 August, we will have Bible Scripture Readers and others presenting the work of the Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association in the Global Village in Bangor. This showcases the valuable work of our Holy Bible readings about life at this popular Christian event.

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