Those Not At Peace
Christmas can be a wonderful time for many people. Even those suffering stress-related illnesses and suicidal feelings can find some ...
Christmas can be a wonderful time for many people. Even those suffering stress-related illnesses and suicidal feelings can find some ...
This month, many of our Scripture Readers were involved alongside Chaplaincy in military Remembrance services.
Prayer Coordinator and military wife Laura Reuter is raising funds for SASRA by doing a tandem ride with her husband ...
In these uncertain times, please remember ‘Mike’ as he strives to live counter-culturally for Christ in a military environment.
As we stop to remember over this season, please remember Patrick on his journey from soldier to Scripture Reader.
Scripture Reader Josh Fortune had the opportunity to represent spiritual welfare at the Hyde Park Barracks Health Fair on ...
Each November, the national attention turns to our Armed Forces as we remember those who have served and honour those ...
Long-standing SASRA supporter Barbara was inspired to have a sponsored hair cut-off. Her church is close to Colchester Garrison and ...
It had been a while since I heard those words shouted out on a cold Catterick morning (over nineteen years ...
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