The Soldiers’ and Aviators’ Scripture Readers Association

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The Soldiers' & Airmen's Scripture Readers Association


SASRA shield with soldiers in the background

New Scripture Reader starts training

We are pleased to announce that Patrick Steen has been accepted as a Scripture Reader.

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Revd Philip Parker

SASRA Welcomes New Ministry Director

SASRA is pleased to welcome Rev Phil Parker as the new Ministry Director.

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SASRA stand at Bangor Worldwide Convention 2023. © SASRA

Connecting with the Christian Public at Summer Conferences

We’ve had a busy summer attending a mix of conferences spanning the length and breadth of the United Kingdom. Here’s a roundup of where we’ve been.

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Former Scripture Reader Barbara Moodie alongside current Scripture Readers. © SASRA

Experiencing Life “Behind the Wire” in Edinburgh

People gathered to listen to Scripture Readers share some of the encouragements they’ve had recently and what their mission field looks like in the coming months.

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Soldiers walking into the SASRA cafe at the Edinburgh Tattoo. © SASRA

Breaking the Ice and Building Relationships

Each year the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo attracts thousands of viewers to the spectacular performances from both local and international talent.

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Literature on display at the Edinburgh Tattoo

Ready to serve: Edinburgh Tattoo

The SASRA Team are once again offering support for the performers of the Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo during their rehearsals week at Redford Barracks.

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ASR Dave Hossack and the team set off from Edinburgh Castle

Cycling 161 miles from Edinburgh to Catterick

Scripture Reader Dave Hossack, who is based at the Infantry Training Centre (ITC) in Catterick Garrison, joined the team for their 161-mile cycle ride from Edinburgh to Catterick.

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Belvoir Castle Half Marathon September 2023

Fundraising for SASRA

Former Executive Director Andrew Hill will be running the Belvoir Castle Half Marathon in September to raise funds for SASRA.

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ASR Steven Dougherty at the Keswick Convention 2023. © SASRA
Case StudiesNews

Refreshed, refocused, encouraged: Scripture Reader completes his studies

Steven Dougherty recently completed his one year theological training course at Cornhill London.

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